Grave Care Business – Growing Demand

I just got off the phone with a very sweet lady who is looking for someone to perform grave care for her parents who have both passed away.

She had a bit of an accent and I asked where she was from.  It turns out she and her husband are originally from Germany.  Back in Germany, she pays someone to look after her husband’s parent’s grave sites.

Both her parents are buried here in the United States.  Unfortunately, she has been unable to find anyone who performs grave care close to where she lives.  She called us, through our website, to see if we could help.  It’s much too far for us to drive and we don’t have any contacts in that immediate area.  If we knew of someone in that area who had purchased our Grave Care Business Course, we would gladly make a referral to her.

The reason I am writing this post is to let you know that Grave Care is a growing business.  Grave Tending is very popular in European countries.  This business model is HUGE in England.  And, it is just beginning to get popular here in the United States.

So, if you have ever thought about starting your own Grave Care Cemetery Maintenance Company, right now is a perfect time to start.  There are customers actively looking to pay good money to businesses who can do grave care.

We have been involved in this for over 20 years and we have developed a professionally produced business course to help you Start & Grow your own Grave Care Business.

For full information, please visit our main webpage to learn about the course.  The full version of the Grave Care Business Course is available for only $259.95 (including shipping).  You can order directly from the website.  We will make sure to ship it to you promptly.

Please let us know if you have any questions.  We are passionate about cemeteries.  We are always happy to answer your questions to the best of our abilities.

Grave Site and Cemetery Maintenance Business Instruction Course